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Energy Booster Red Light
New red light technologies offer numerous applications:
- Performance enhancement through activation of mitochondria
- Improved regeneration and faster breakdown of lactate
- Increased vitality and energy in everyday life
- Build-up of collagen and elastin for skin rejuvenation
Hundreds of scientific studies confirm the revitalizing effects of red light and near infrared on well-being, performance, regeneration and skin health. With DAYON RECHARGE, we offer you the first LED application for the whole body.
Now available
A new form of water
DAYON HydroSpa is the first design piece of furniture for well-being and relaxation that combines the positive effects of water, heat and massage. Infrared heat and the power of water provide you with a soothing hydromassage, while you float weightlessly and dry on the water. Anytime, anywhere—where top-quality and beautiful design meet to elevate your wellbeing.
Naturally beautiful tan and well-being
The luxury home solarium from DAYON is the sunny wellness oasis for your home.
- Naturally tanning UV light with the latest Ergoline technology
- Beauty Light for a well-groomed complexion and collagen formation
- Relaxing time out thanks to comfort equipment
Lie down, close your eyes and enjoy sunshine in your home
More than just a home solarium
With DAYON LightSpa you can enjoy the sun at any time of year in the comfort of your own home. For a beautiful, natural tan and radiant skin.
UV-free skin care with 100 % red light
Light plays a significant role in our appearance and the entire organism. The UV-free red light of the LightSpa Pure Beauty increases the production of collagen. Wrinkles are reduced, the skin is visibly tightened and the overall skin appearance is improved. The red light also has a regenerative effect and increases well-being.
DAYON LightSpaHigh Quality Made in Germany
With the DAYON LightSpa you benefit from over 30 years of experience from one of the world’s leading light specialists for well-being, lifestyle and healthcare.